Friday, October 2, 2009

A Splendid Rose

A Splendid Rose,
Stood all alone,
Surround by,
A wall of stone.

Around the wall,
Were roses too,
Still neither knew,
The other grew.

So often we,
Like flowers dwell,
Too deep within,
Our human shell.

And pass through life,
Not understood.
Nor making all,
The friends we should.



  1. Wondering where you found this poem?

    1. I (Danny Ray Halladay) is the Author of this Poem. I created it back in 1978 while I was in prison. I won "Writer's Choice Award" in 2007 for it. I don't know why they don't know this.

  2. Replies
    1. ?? really curious i published my poem on back in 1999 everything is exactly the same except the last four lines i will be posting a copy with date of submission when i do please at least give me the credit of my poem this is not any kind of poem i wrote this while healing from losing my best friend will update proof asap.

    2. I learned this poem as a child still ,I just recited it to my husband, and tried to Google the author, I would love to know.

  3. I remember and memorized this poem from years ago. My husband just commented on how our rose bushes have a single rose and I started reciting this poem, he asked who it was by so I googled it and found this. How is it that I know it? The person who told me this poem was Heidi. ???

  4. My art teacher/nun in MA back in early 80’s gave me (shy pretty girl) this poem as a calligraphy/drawing assignment. I never forgot words 40 some years later

  5. The true author of this poem was Helen Steiner Rice..All of you are changing some words for others

  6. Hahahah this poem was in a little poem book in a church when I was a young girl the Author is Toni Petito according to the book.
